Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility Report - Catalog - Page 11
Employee development also consists
• Crown partnered with Lincoln
of dialogue with corporate leadership
Electric to host the fifth annual Virtual
regarding each employee’s personal
Welding Challenge. At the event,
strengths, career aspirations and pro-
more than 100 students learned
fessional development goals. Striving
about careers in welding. Attendees
to ensure that the right person is in
toured facilities, programmed a
the right job is a constant focus at
welding robot, and used virtual reality
Crown and helps create a sustainable
technology to simulate a real welding
More than 1,100 U.S.
employees have achieved
employment milestone
Recently, nearly 100 employees from
across the company were recognized
for their 25th year of service to the
company. By achieving this milestone in
employee loyalty and longevity, they join
an ever-expanding group of more than
• Crown’s New Castle, IN location
donated a Computer Numerical
Control (CNC) training computer to
the New Castle Career Center to
support education in the center’s
Machine Trades program
• One of Crown’s noteworthy
university’s Design for Environment
course to encourage sustainable
thinking throughout the design
Community partnerships form
lasting bonds
students to life cycle analysis using lift
another way Crown creates mutual
support and long-lasting partnerships
with other organizations in the areas
where it operates. Youth education and
mentorship is especially meaningful to
Crown and its future. These are just a
few examples of how Crown engages in
process. Employees introduce
truck components and share Crown’s
sustainability experiences through
facility tours and engaging discussion
• Crown is an equal opportunity
employer and committed to ethical
hiring practices. Crown Mexico has
manufacturing industry. Students
tour Crown production facilities as
employees share their passion for
their work with them
and long-term
Within the last year, Crown hosted more
co-op students than ever with a participation rate that has rapidly increased
more than tenfold over the last five
years. Students come from a variety of
colleges to gain working knowledge in
the fields of manufacturing, engineering,
design, business and safety to prepare
for today’s competitive job market.
Crown is committed to the interests of
To boost Crown’s long-term sustainabil-
Engineering and Math (STEM) in the
future workforce
Inclusive Employer Award
• Crown regularly invites students
education in Science, Technology,
investment in its
Preserving community history
youth education in the community:
up look at the importance of
program is an
twice earned the Queretaro State All
Co-op program invests in the
from local schools to get a close-
growing co-op
partnership programs is with a local
1,100 dedicated Crown employees.
Involvement in local communities is
Crown’s rapidly
ity, investing in its future workforce just
makes sense. That’s why Crown offers
cooperative education and apprentice
opportunities and internships that help
area university students gain real-world,
on-the-job experience while completing
their education.
its communities. When a fire destroyed
the interior of the historic Boesel Opera
House (est. 1895) in New Bremen, OH,
Crown redeveloped the building for use
by its employees. Restoring most of
the exterior framework, ceiling beams
and as much of the building interior as
possible, Crown maintained the historic
beauty and significance of the original
building while adding energy-efficient
features and smart technology to make
the building more sustainable for generations to come.
PA R T 2 / Sustainability Demonstrated