Service and Maintenance: The Keys to Forklift Efficiency - Catalog - Page 4
Imagine this scenario: During a planned
maintenance inspection, your service technician
checks the fluid level in a drive unit and finds it
low. The technician adds fluid and takes care
of the issue. A potential problem was noticed
and corrected conveniently and efficiently as
part of your planned maintenance program
before damage and unexpected downtime
occurred. At a minimum, you’ve avoided reduced
performance until the problem was corrected.
Instead of looking at planned maintenance as
a necessary evil, envision it as an enabler that
increases runtime, boosts productivity and
extends product life, among other benefits. In
addition, a flexible service provider can offer
more options than you might realize to fit the
service scope, budget and schedule of your
operation’s needs.
You might be pleasantly surprised at how
seamlessly a service provider can help fit an
appropriate planned maintenance program into
your production schedule.
Now imagine the same issue without planned
maintenance: If the fluid level isn’t addressed
for an extended time, forklift performance is
affected, productivity suffers and, eventually,
it may even result in a complete failure. Then,
the expense of a service call charge, labor to
diagnose the issue, and replacement parts would
follow, including the cost of downtime while it is
being repaired.
Just like your car needs regular oil changes, tire
rotations and other maintenance to run smoothly,
your forklift fleet needs proper maintenance
to run efficiently. Consider it preventive care
for your warehouse. Planned maintenance is
designed to help avoid potential issues before
they become expensive problems that drain
Without routine planned maintenance, what
could have been a simple fix can quickly
snowball, escalating into thousands of dollars
in costs and lost productivity.
Planned maintenance is
designed to help avoid
potential issues before
they become expensive
problems that drain