Reach Truck RR 5700 Product Information - Catalog - Page 3
That Pays.
At the end of the day, the truest measure
of a reach truck is getting the job done—
quickly and safely.
You need a truck you can count on, in the
short-term and long-term. One that rises
to any challenge and delivers at every turn:
more pallet moves, greater operator comfort
and control, rock-solid performance
and uptime.
Depend on the RR 5700 Series from Crown.
Innovative features
and exceptional design
give operators unmatched
comfort for confident,
safe performance.
With smart systems, an
intuitive all-in-one handle
and a Load Handling Assist
option, the RR 5700
enables pinpoint
accuracy and control.
Every component is
engineered by Crown
to deliver optimal
performance while lifting,
lowering, maneuvering
and more.
Crown’s systematic
approach to uptime
encompasses everything
from design and
manufacturing to
diagnostics, service
and parts.