Intermediate Walkie Stacker Product Information - Catalog - Page 5
Versatility is Key
Designed with flexibility in mind, Crown stackers
satisfy a wide range of applications with ease of use
features to meet multiple needs.
These include:
Stacking vertically on
a rack system.
Portable work
Utilize space more
Shipping and receiving
at ground level.
Productivity will increase
with the use of a Crown
stacker. You’ll be able to
find, store or retrieve products at a much faster pace.
Products can be arranged
logically in a rack system to
improve selectivity. Workers
will no longer waste valuable
time searching for individual
items or handling loads
multiple times.
Vertical utilization of your
space can eliminate clutter,
ineffeciency and create
additional floor space. This
gives you the ability to add
valuable office, manufacturing
or warehouse space without
the expense of building or
leasing a larger facility.
Safety will also improve
with a Crown stacker. Effective
product storage can eliminate
the risks associated with
awkward manual product
handling or climbing to put
away or retrieve loads.
The M model comes
standard with Crown’s
field proven control
handle. The handle is
constructed using a robust
aluminum casting, which
provides maximum levels of
hand protection. This handle
offers notable ergonomic and
productivity-enhancing control
capabilities. Raise, lower, horn
and safety reversing button
are all standard features and
improve productivity and
safety. Crown’s highly valued
twist grip design improves
grip force, travel activation,
and steering effort.
Easy to use controls are
clearly labeled and intuitive.
A raise and lower hydraulic
control lever is a standard
feature on both the B and M
models. Activating the lever
allows the operator to precisely
control raising or lowering of
the forks or load.
Battery charging made
simple. The B and M models
come standard with an internal battery charger. Simply
remove the cover and plug the
charger into a 110-volt electrical outlet. A built-in ammeter
shows charging rate during the
charge cycle. The charger will
automatically slow the charge
rate when batteries reach the
80% charged state.