eBook - Warehouse Solutions (EM21060) - Book - Page 20
may be damaged in the course of pallet let
downs and put aways. This can result in
uninformed decisions when storing pallets,
which could result in rack or warehouse
damage, inventory loss or employee injury.
A common location for a capacity label is
on the beam directly under a pallet location.
However, affixing labels to the upright may
allow easier scanning and more productive
pallet movements. Since some uprights
have punched holes, you may need to use
magnetic labels or label holders to ensure
they are secure.
With all of these considerations, a single-source
supplier can help develop and implement a
more holistic approach to safety, which includes
many components beyond the forklift. Look for a
supplier that can share best practices culled from
broad industry experience and help you apply a
more consistent focus to safety management.
Our fourth and final chapter focuses on options
available for introducing automation into your
warehouse design.