eBook - Warehouse Solutions (EM21060) - Book - Page 19
of virtual signage is becoming more common,
especially in facilities with high traffic rates.
It is better protected from damage since
it is mounted on the ceiling. It can also be
easily moved or modified to project different
messages as needed.
Prominently displayed signage that identifies
the location of designated walkways, and
potential safety hazards, such as low
overhangs are another key component of an
integrated safety program. Signage should
be strategically placed in well-lit and visible
locations so both pedestrians and forklift
operators can see it but also out of the
path of travel. Periodically inspect signage
locations to ensure signs are still present,
nothing has been placed in a way that blocks
them from view, and traffic patterns haven’t
changed to make them less effective.
Physical signs can be damaged and may
need to be periodically replaced. A more
flexible and secure solution involves mounting
projectors on the ceiling that project
messages on the warehouse floor. This type
All racking systems have capacity limits
and you must match the rack capacity to
the weight of inventory. Exceeding rack
limits could result in collapse, which could
damage equipment and products and injure
personnel. Work with your provider to use
the capacity information provided by racking
manufacturers to determine the configuration
you need for the weight of the product to be
A best practice is for rack storage limits to
be displayed where they can be seen by
forklift operators and reinforced in forklift
operator training to help prevent accidental
overloading. Improper placement can
make them difficult to read or scan or more
susceptible to damage during pallet letdowns
and put-aways. Capacity labels or signage