Counterbalance SC 5700 Forklift Product Information - Catalog - Page 3
Today's facility is challenged to do more with less
without compromise. The SC 5200 Series is versatile
enough to handle virtually any material handling
operation while providing operator comfort and long
lasting, reliable performance.
The SC 5200 Series can
eliminate the need for
multiple types of lift trucks
in your facility, handling
dock work, transport and
replenishment with ease.
The features and
components of the SC
5200 are designed and
manufactured to provide
comfort and ease of use for
increased productivity.
Crown designs lift truck
control systems to provide
intelligent feedback to the
operator and the service
technician to ensure
outstanding performance
and uptime.
Robust components
designed and manufactured
by Crown ensure the SC
5200 is reliable in even the
toughest applications and
strenuous environments.